Prepositions Quiz

Explore this diverse selection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) designed for various examinations. Prepositions Quiz focuses on essential aspects of the subject, ensuring comprehensive preparation across different categories and fields of study to enhance your knowledge and readiness. The right answers for each question is provided next to respective questions for your convenience, you can either attend the test or dirtectly access the right answers by clicking the show correct answer button

Each correct answer earns 1 mark, while each incorrect answer deducts 0.3 marks.
1. Select the correct word: She is looking ____ her lost keys.
2. Select the correct option: He has been working here ____ five years.
3. Select the correct preposition: She is fond ____ music.
4. Select the correct word: She is different ____ her sister.
5. Select the correct option: She has been living here ____ five years.
6. Select the correct preposition: He is good ____ mathematics.
7. Select the correct word: They arrived ____ the airport on time.
8. Select the correct option: They have been working here ____ last year.
9. Select the correct preposition: He is interested ____ art.
10. Select the correct word: He is responsible ____ the project.
11. Select the correct option: She has been studying here ____ two hours.
12. Select the correct preposition: He is concerned ____ his health.
13. Select the correct word: She is married ____ a doctor.
14. Select the correct option: I have been waiting here ____ two hours.
15. Select the correct preposition: He was accused ____ stealing.
16. Select the correct word: He is indifferent ____ his studies.
17. Select the correct option: They have been living here ____ five years.
18. Select the correct preposition: He is adept ____ solving puzzles.
19. Select the correct word: He is ____ of his success.
20. Select the correct option: They have been living here ____ last year.
21. Select the correct preposition: He is responsible ____ the error.
22. Select the correct word: She is aware ____ the consequences.
23. Select the correct option: They have been friends ____ childhood.
24. Select the correct preposition: He is skilled ____ carpentry.
25. Select the correct word: He is confident ____ his abilities.
26. Select the correct option: She has been working here ____ a long time.
27. Select the correct preposition: He is addicted ____ coffee.
28. Select the correct word: He is known ____ his generosity.
29. Select the correct option: They have been studying here ____ three years.
30. Select the correct preposition: He is proficient ____ playing the piano.
31. Select the correct word: He was accused ____ theft.
32. Select the correct option: They have been living here ____ three months.
33. Select the correct preposition: He is averse ____ taking risks.
34. Select the correct word: She is married ____ a lawyer.
35. Select the correct option: She has been waiting here ____ an hour.
36. Select the correct preposition: He is good ____ mathematics.
37. Select the correct word: He is ____ for his honesty.
38. Select the correct option: They have been friends ____ childhood.
39. Select the correct preposition: He is proficient ____ mathematics.
40. Select the correct word: She is proficient ____ playing the guitar.
41. Select the correct option: He has been working here ____ five years.
42. Select the correct preposition: He is afraid ____ the dark.
43. Select the correct word: He is confident ____ his success.
44. Select the correct option: They have been living here ____ five years.
45. Select the correct preposition: He is fond ____ music.
46. Select the correct word: She is capable ____ handling the situation.
47. Select the correct option: They have been working here ____ the project started.
48. Select the correct preposition: He is adept ____ solving puzzles.
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