Alphabet Series Quiz

Explore this diverse selection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) designed for various examinations. Alphabet Series Quiz focuses on essential aspects of the subject, ensuring comprehensive preparation across different categories and fields of study to enhance your knowledge and readiness. The right answers for each question is provided next to respective questions for your convenience, you can either attend the test or dirtectly access the right answers by clicking the show correct answer button.

Each correct answer earns 1 mark, while each incorrect answer deducts 0.3 marks.

1. Which one comes next in the sequence: Z, X, V, T, ?

2. What comes next in the series: J, F, M, A, ?

3. Which word will come next in the series: ABC, DEF, GHI, ?

4. Which letter will replace the question mark (?) in the following series: B, D, F, H, ?

5. What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following sequence: A, C, E, G, ?

6. What comes next in the series: K, M, O, Q, ?

7. Which letter will replace the question mark (?) in the following series: B, E, H, K, ?

8. What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following sequence: Z, W, T, Q, ?

9. Which word will come next in the series: XYZ, ABC, DEF, ?

10. What comes next in the series: L, N, P, R, ?

11. What comes next in the series: E, H, K, N, ?

12. Which letter will replace the question mark (?) in the series: M, P, S, V, ?

13. Which word will come next in the series: CAT, DOG, PIG, ?

14. What comes next in the series: L, O, R, U, ?

15. Which letter will replace the question mark (?) in the series: A, E, I, M, ?

16. What comes next in the series: B, D, G, K, ?

17. What comes next in the series: J, F, M, A, M, ?

18. Which letter will replace the question mark (?) in the series: A, B, D, G, K, ?

19. What comes next in the series: Z, X, V, T, ?

20. Which letter will replace the question mark (?) in the series: L, N, P, R, ?

21. What comes next in the series: M, N, P, Q, ?

22. What comes next in the series: A, E, I, M, ?

23. Which letter will replace the question mark (?) in the series: F, I, L, O, ?

24. What comes next in the series: Z, Y, X, W, ?

25. What comes next in the series: P, Q, R, S, ?

26. Which word will come next in the series: MARCH, APRIL, MAY, ?

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